Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Treating common cold.

Modern research has found that many of the home cures for the common cold used by our ancestors have merit. There are thousands of scientific studies about orange juice, chicken soup, herbal, black and green tea and the common cold. Some of the components of these and other natural remedies may help prevent, as well as treat viral infections. Since there is no real cure, pharmaceutical concoctions may be ineffective and often have unwanted side effects, home cures for the common cold may be the best option.

Anti-oxidants. This is what we hear the most about. Fruits and vegetables contain the most, but chicken is a good source of selenium, a trace element necessary for proper immune system function. Studies concerning green tea and the common cold focused on the polyphenons or catechins, the anti-oxidants found in green, black and some herbal teas. Anti-oxidants work by destroying free radicals and reducing cellular damage. Thus, much study has related to cancer treatment and prevention.

Perhaps one of the oldest home cures for the common cold, recent scientific studies of the health benefits of green tea have been ongoing for at least the last thirty years. In the late seventies it was found the catechins from green tea prevented crop damage from the tobacco mosaic virus by suppressing the growth of the virus. Most of what we know about viruses today has come from studying plant viruses like the tobacco mosaic. In the early nineties, one research group found that both anti-oxidants derived from green and black tea had a strong effect on the influenza virus and concluded that these could inhibit viral activity.

Fruit juices have long been considered home cures for the common cold. Both lemon and orange juice are excellent sources of vitamin C, one of the best known anti-oxidants. There have been hundreds more studies about vitamin C and the common cold than there have about green tea and the common cold. Numerous books have been written on the subject. While some researchers disagree about the amount of vitamin C necessary for overall good health, the majority of the research indicates that the need for vitamin C supplementation increases when a person has a cold. Blood tests have shown that levels of vitamin C in the blood stream are quickly depleted during a viral infection.

Other home cures for the common cold include mullein tea (temporarily opens clogged breathing passages and soothes the throat) and horehound tea (relieves coughs). Eating a regular meal is difficult when the nose is stuffy, but maintaining and even improving nutrition during a cold is important. Warm teas and soups may help relieve symptoms and improve appetite. Spices, such as ginger, garlic, turmeric and black pepper are natural immune system boosters and when added to warm soup may go a long way to make you feel a lot better. For more information about home remedies, green tea and the common cold, visit the Immune System Booster Guide.

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