Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Natural remedies cold.

The immune-boosting abilities of the plant extracts in Natural Immune Support Formula have been recognized for centuries. Laminaria japonica, Cordyceps sinensis, Astragalus membranaceus and larch are all exceptionally rich in polysaccharides. Research has shown that polysaccharides have properties that stimulate immune system cell activity and increase their numbers, thus helping the body’s natural defences to work more effectively.

¤ Laminaria Japonica extract is standardised in fucoidan and fucose. Fucoidan is a sulphated polysaccharide that boosts the immune system and increases its ability to protect against different viruses. Fucose is itself one of eight sugars that are essential for optimal inter-cellular communication. Fucose is found , in particular abundance in macrophages – very important immune system cells which defend against infection.

¤ Cordyceps sinensis extract is standardised in cordyceptic acid, adenosine and polysaccharides. Cordyceps sinensis is a rare medicinal fungus and a cornerstone of Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Recent research has shown it to have immunomodulatory properties which enable it to act as either an immunosuppressor or immunostimulant. It is widely used in Japan, Korea and China as an adjunct to conventional treatments.

¤ Larch extract is very rich in arabinogalactans, which are heavily-branched polysaccharides of varying molecular weights. Low-molecular weight polysaccharides generally exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-complement and anti-allergic effects, while those of high-molecular weight stimulate the cytotoxicity of the immune system’s natural killer cells. Studies suggest that arabinogalactans can boost immune response to infection. Its properties make it an effective adjunct to certain conventional treatments.

¤ Astragalus membranaceus is an adaptogen plant used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to increase vitality and combat weakness, amongst others. Modern research has focused on its immunostimulant polysaccharides and certain other active ingredients which appear to be beneficial in diseases associated with immune deficiency. Studies show that Astragalus stimulates the immune system in various ways, in particular, by promoting the development of stem cells into active immune cells. Astragalus’ polysaccharides

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